
Saturday 5 December 2020

Secret Friends: The Ramblings of a Madman in Search of a Soul

The first draft of the psi-fi work Secret Friends: The Ramblings of a Madman in Search of a Soul, by H. M. Forester, has just been released.


Secret Friends book cover.

The writer and thinker Idries Shah laid out his contemporary, Western projection of the Sufi Way in a great many books over the years, and Secret Friends draws, in part, on the inner experiences of Robert Llewelyn George in his faltering attempts to follow that mystical path.

The intrepid psychonaut, Carl Gustav Jung also documents his own inner travels in his Red Book, and later in his published journals, the Black Books.

This, then, you might call Louie’s Little Green Book.

The new book is available for download as a PDF document from our web site. Just scroll down the page.

I wouldn’t know where to start in writing a blurb, my dear reader, to give you a better idea of what this book is about, except to say that all the books (including the mystical adventures written as Etienne de L'Amour) have this one surprising thing in common: the largely unsuspected presence of the Hidden World and of the “Secret Friends” who are here to help us in our hour of need.

But, dear reader, should you eventually arrive at the conclusion that this work is little more than the incoherent ramblings of a madman in search of sanity, then that’s fine by us; and were this book not given to you free of charge, then you would be fully entitled to demand your money back. But if the work touches your heart in some way, then please feel free to pass it on.